Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Impassive is an adjective which means 'not feeling or showing emotions.'

As usual, I'll share some of my thoughts before discussing some stuffs about this Outfit Post.

I could say that it's hard to hide what you feel or to be impassive when you're the type of person that's used to expressing his/her emotions. But as I continue my journey as a person who needs to fit in the world she's moving, I realize that being impassive would be the best way to protect myself.

Sometimes, your emotions puts a big boundary on what your capabilities are. But when you feel no emotions, you'll learn to break down that big boundary and do things you think you can't. 

And sometimes, being emotionless protects you from being hurt or being judged. Our behaviors are affected by our emotions and most of the time, people tend to look on our behaviors than to our emotions. They only see what they want to see. They don't even care with what you feel.

Maybe, most of you won't agree with me when I say that it's better to be impassive. I chose to be impassive most of the time because I know that my emotions can be used against me. It's not that I don't feel any emotions, it's just that I don't like to show it, as much as I could. Because sometimes, people will misinterpret what you feel and you, yourself, will think that your emotions are questionable. It's not that I'm experiencing something right now, it's just that I see it, I saw how people fail because of showing their emotions. And maybe one of my readers will relate on this topic, I just want to share my thoughts about it and maybe he/she will somehow think about what I'm trying to imply.

I'm not saying that showing your emotions is bad. All I'm trying to imply is that, we should be careful in what we feel and showing it to others. Yes, of course, we can't hide it but we should learn how much we can show others what we feel. Being impassive would be the preventive measures from being hurt or being judge. We should be sure in our emotions before showing it off. If you're really sure, why not let the world know about it? Right?

Let's end the drama there.

This Outfit Post would be one of my favorite post because it's a part of the 'being feminine' stuff I'm working on. I'm wearing's Black Dress that I really love. In my previous post, I've said that Black Dress is a part of The Essentials that a girl should have in their closets. It's amazing how an accessory can change your whole look. Actually, I'm planning not to wear any accessories on this outfit because I want to pair the dress with sneakers. Y'know, the old hippy style. But then, I looked in the mirror and think that it's really dull. Then I check on some accessories and tried this oh-so-powerful necklace. And so surprised with the outcome. I look so girly that's why I wore heels that paired the color of my dress.

I'm thinking of putting on a blazer or kimono on this outfit because I'm quite not confident with my shoulders. But then, I think there's nothing to be not confident of, that's why I showed it off. I think I pulled it off. What do you think, Guys?

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 FIFA World Cup Wishlist |

Most of you know that I'm a fan of football. Well, I support Philippine Football Team, Philippine Azkals. I'm not a huge fan of FIFA but I got some time to watch some previous matches and I must say, it's thrilling! I stopped watching FIFA World Cup or any other football games because I have to. Y'know, the World Cup and some International Football Games are aired late in the evening here in the Philippines. Well, I go to school and I should sleep early! Ehem! Good student here! To somehow show that I support FIFA, I bought a FIFA Shirt somewhere in Brunei when we had our Christmas vacation there but I want more! I want to have all the trending FIFA designed shirts that's why I checked some stores online. As usual, offers all the trending styles at a very reasonable price! I love that have all the styles of the FIFA designed shirts I want! How I wish I could buy all of them!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Sunday, June 15, 2014


"If you hold on to someone too hard, that doesn't make them love you" (Once Upon A Time Series)

As usual, realizations before outfit discussion! Well, I must say that I'm a strong believer of Fairy Tales. Not because I believe in magic but because of the lessons we learn from it; and also, the romantic love stories of the Prince and Princess. I really love fairy tales, I even cried of one of the scenes on my favorite fairy tale movie and I also even have this DVD Fairy Tale collection. But, y'know, something's changed. I don't know what is it. I stopped believing there will be 'Happy Endings'. It's not because I grew older that's why I have to let romantic dreams die. Maybe, I just chose to see the real world, the reality. 

I could say that it's sad that I have to forget what I believed in when I was a kid until I grew up. Fairy tales' impact to me is that I should keep moving forward because after all the hardships that I'll have will lead to a 'Happily Ever After'. I told myself, "The hardships in fairy tales are bigger than in the real world, so why give up? Princes and Princesses didn't, so I shouldn't!" So positive right? But that was changed for some reason because I realized that the I'm on the real world, I should have a more realistic perspective.

Lately, I've been watching this TV Series titled Once Upon A Time. Snow White once said that Fairy Tales are there to give hope, that even you suffered a lot, you will find your 'Happily Ever After' if you just don't give up. Quite like my old belief, right? Then I realized, I didn't let go of my belief in Fairy Tales, I just chose to look for some more reasons for me to keep my faith in Fairy Tales. I know, it's funny to see a grown up girl believing in Fairy Tales. But what's wrong in holding on to something that makes you a better person? What's wrong in believing that there's a 'Happily Ever After' for each one of us? 

This is not just about the Fairy Tale thing, it's about hope. Hope that there will always be a better tomorrow for each and everyone of us. Hope that hard works pay off. Hope that all of us deserves to be happy.

Well, let's end that realization stuffs. Let's get on to the outfit discussion! *clap! clap!* Everything that I'm wearing is from My shorts are actually high-waist shorts but I decided to try a new style of wearing my shorts. I tucked in the front part of my top and let back part fall off. Isn't it cool to have an illusion that my upper body is longer? And my legs look thin because of the rolled up part? Yeah, I know, it's cool. May I just relate this outfit to Fairy Tales. My top has designs that looks like the woods, reminds me of the time when the Huntsman is about to rip Snow White's heart, but he let go of her. My bag, it's big, it's durable and it's not that feminine, reminds me of Snow White's bag where she put everything that she robbed (This is a different story from the traditional ones). And my shorts, doesn't reminds of anything in the Fairy Tale but I think it's perfect to wear when you're going to the woods, it's comfy and still stylish!'s items are really one of a kind. Y'know, I can be their Brand Ambassadress because of this post! Ha-ha! Monique Codilla Oloresisimo, Tidestore Brand Ambassadress for The Philippines! Isn't it good to hear that? Ha-ha! JK! 

Location reminds me of the House of The Dwarfs! Looks like where
they're keeping their stuffs for work!

May I just greet all the Fathers out there a Happy Father's Day! Specially to my first love, my Papa!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Romwe Lookbook Fashion Collection

Eyes Print Dress 

Only $11.99 on June 12th, for 24 hours! 
Save 52% and enjoy FREE SHIPPING!

What this? Go here!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, June 5, 2014

ROMWE Colorful Print Sleeveless Dress

ROMWE Colorful Print Sleeveless Dress

$14.99, start on 1am 5th June GMT, 24 hours only, limited in 300 pieces.

Free shipping worldwide, ships in 24 hours after order.

It will recover to $30.99 on 6th June.

So if you want to be the iridescent girl, don’t miss out!

Take this chance, Guys!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


As usual, this post will start with my realizations before really discussing this outfit post.

I titled this post as Awake not because I'm still awake at this very late moment. These days, there are a lot of this that actually woke me up. I don't know how to put it into words but I'll try my best to express what should be expressed. 

First, I was told to try to change my style of clothing because I'm already a
grown up and I should try to become and look more feminine. I've been thinking of not to take the advice to be more feminine but then, something woke me up and I was just, "Hey! I should really try to be more girly! I maybe should try to change what people think of me." This is not just actually about dressing up, it's also about myself. I really should try to get out of my comfort zone to be able to see what my limits are.

Second, while I was looking on my photos, I realized that I really gained weight and my color is so tanned as ever. I was just looking at the monitor and keep on saying to myself, "You did that to yourself! You're ugly! No one will like you." But then, my realizations woke me up that even I gained weight and got tanned, I shouldn't blame myself and I should try my best to be better. And I shouldn't worry if I'm ugly or no one will like me because at the first place, I have myself with me and I like myself, actually, I love myself. No circumstances will change that.

Finally, I was awake because of the alarm clock. JK! No, but seriously, I realized that this school year is just about to start. I'm already in my 4th Year as a college student, ECE Student. I've got to far and I should take my studies more seriously. I should be more mature in managing my time in school and in other personal stuff that I'm doing. As that said, I'm already saying sorry if I'll be MIA in the coming days. Jooooke! I promise to manage my time wisely so that nothing will be left behind. 

With this outfit post, I tried to be more feminine. Actually, my top and my pants are my Mom's. Yes! I really love the old school vibe of this outfit. And let my just say that I'm wearing heels. Yes, heels! I'm so proud of myself that I survive standing for almost 2 hours! Let me know how proud you are to me! I'll just say that I'm worried of wearing this outfit because I might look odd or weird or any adjectives synonymous to that because this is not the usually style people see nowadays. But then, I know that I pulled it off!

My bag is from It's one of my favorite bags and it's perfect for the coming school opening. It looks like it can't carry a lot of thing but it's just the looks. I tried putting a lot of things inside it. I'm afraid it my might not carry the heavy stuff I put inside it and to my surprise, it survived! I tried to do it again and it's survived again. Durability? Check! Style? Check! Affordability? Check! This is the perfect bag for students like me that brings a lot of stuffs in school but still want to use a stylish bag! To my co-students out there that started or will be starting this school year, this bag from is a must have!

This outfit can be worn in school too! 
Too bad, we have uniforms! Try this style, Guys!

If you're not comfortable with heels, sneakers or
any shoe (that you're comfortable with) will also go with it.

Students, keep in mind that we should always put our studies first! Be responsible and mature about your studies! Enjoy the school year!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla