Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2014


Do I feel like I've been MIA these days or have I been really MIA these days? Either way. Hihi!  I've been busy these days. But I know that's not a good reason to give. It just happened that I have to submit two projects (group and individual) for these semester plus I have finals. Well, we have to make sacrifices. And sacrifices really pay off, I passed all my subjects this sem! Woohoo!

Let's end the intro to that. I have some dramas to share! Hihi! 

SpongBob. We all know that SpongeBob does what he wants to do. Y'know, when he feel it, he do it. Sometimes I want to be like SpongeBob, someone that does not think of what will people feel with what I do. Sometimes, all we need is freedom to finally feel happy.

But we don't have to be always like SpongeBob because we have to regard some people's emotions with every actions we make. Y'know, Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I know, you'll say that I'm being Squidward if I say that I hate people who don't regard what I'm gonna feel with the actions they make.

We have a choice if we want to be SpongBob or Squidward. What ever's gonna be our choice, we have to make sure that we don't harm anyone. And if someone really shred your emotions because they don't regard what you're gonna feel, don't think that they did that in purpose. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Think of the bright side. Be SpongeBob!

About this outfit. This sweatshirt arrived on a perfect timing. First, it's Halloween. Well, I didn't wear this on a Halloween Party but I think that this is a perfect outfit if you're too busy to think of what you're going to wear or you're just like me who doesn't want to give out such big effort when it come to our Halloween Costumes. Plus, the weather in our country is getting cold, not as cold as some countries. Northeast Monsoon brings the coldness of the climate nowadays in the country so I think I'm gonna wear this my SpongBob Sweatshirt from more often. I hope this comes with a sweatpants. 

Love my SpongBob Sweatshirt? Go to and shop now! They ship for free worldwide over $50 worth of shopping items!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Codilla Oloresisimo

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cardigan Giveaway | OASAP

Fancy Geo Knit Cardigan

Fancy Open-Front Knit Cardigan

Twisted Pattern Batwing Sleeve Cardigan

The Slim Kid Inside is in partnership with with this Cardigan Giveaway! We need to have at least 50 participants! This giveaway only last for 7 days. The clock is ticking fast, join now! 

Giveaway Mechanics:
1. Go to and create an account.
2. Leave a comment on this Blog Post together with the following:
  • NAME
  • EMAIL (Personal and OASAP Email) 
  • The link of the cardigan you want to have (Chose from the 3 links above)
3. Share this giveaway with your friends and invite them.

One winner  will win one piece among the selected three items.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Friday, September 19, 2014

Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Cream |

Did you know that for the price of 2 Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Cream's,
customers can get the Wishbox that contains the entire Rich Moist Soothing line of full sized products! Amazing right?

Take advantage of this, Guys!

Go to, create an account and place your orders.

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Monday, September 15, 2014

Out of Sight |

Please listen to James Taylor's 'If I Keep My Heart Out of Sight' while you read this post because I'm listening to it while drafting this post. 

Actually, I don't have any dramas to share with you, Guys. I just bid goodbye to Midterms and I have to face Finals. Everything when well so far. But there's this commotion that happened. I won't elaborate the deets. I just want to share to you what I've learned while I'm facing that commotion.

Y'know, sometimes, there are things that you don't understand. Some people will be so eager to know the explanation behind the issue they don't understand. I was like that before, but then, as I always say to my friends, I'm a better person now. Not that I'm saying that I'm a bad person before and that it's bad to be so eager to know the explanation behind. It's just that I learned that the biggest understanding you can exert is to say, "I don't understand and it's fine." Some of you will be against that, but for me, why would I squeeze an information if they don't want me to know it? Maybe, they just don't want me to get hurt about the truth. And I'll just leave it to that.

Some feelings and emotions should be kept out of sight so other will stop questioning you. Sometimes, letting your feelings show will make you look like the VILLAIN. Y'know, when the feeling aggravate, you thought of any possible ways to get back to the people who makes your feelings worse. But then, I don't want to be the villain. And I can't contemplate whether to fight back or just let things as they are. And I'll make a stand that I'm gonna keep my feelings out of sight to keep myself from doing things that will hurt others. I know myself and I know that I might hurt others from my behaviors because of how I feel about them. I just chose to keep my feelings to myself so I won't hurt anybody. And because I don't want to be called as the villain. And also, I don't want to do to them what they did to me. I'm a strong believer of 'You can't make things right by doing something wrong.'

As far as I know, I've executed a high level of understanding and patience on this commotion.

End of drama. I've said that I don't have any dramas but as I start typing this, I can't control my fingers, they're so eager to type this dramas. Sorry.

Actually, I titled this post 'Out of Sight' because my cab is still out of sight and my eyes turns to white while waiting for it. Hihi. JK.

But seriously, I liked the vibe that I look lost on the photos. It's been raining like hell that's why I've been dying just to have an outdoor shoot. The sun has already set when the rain stopped that's my it's already dark. But thanks to that, the photos just have a different vibe.

I wore something that's traveler-like clothing. Something comfortable. Something to-go. I just wore my tank top and shorts; and decided to wore an over-sized polo to cover up since it's kinda cold because of the rain. And also, I wore this oh-so-comfy shoes that my Tito gave me. Please note, it's from Spain. Hihi. I'm just thrilled because some of the fashion bloggers that I admire is from Spain and I really love they're style and by wearing a shoe from Spain make me think that somehow I'm on their level. Hihi!

And of course, the highlight of this post is my bag from You all know that my family is celebrating Christmas and New Year in Brunei and it means that I have to travel and I need a perfect travelling bag for it. I'm so happy that have something to offer for those who loves to travel. This bag is really durable because I tried to put a lot of stuff on it and to my suprise it can carry a big amount of weight. Plus, it's really stylish. I actually had a hard time in chosing the best color (it comes with blue, dark blue, apple green and black) because it seems like every color would fit the style of the bag. 

I know, you like me bag. So hurry and go to and shop! They have a lot to offer like; dresses, shirts, bags, shoes and many more!

Wanna earn money just by sitting in front
of your PCs? Come join us in SWA!
Contact my via Facebook if you're

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Carpe Diem

Carpe diem is a Latin aphorism usually translated "seize the day"

Well, I don't have a lot of dramas today. As I wrote this post, I'm in a big battle against my eyes and maybe my thoughts also, because I'm really sleepy and I have to get up early tomorrow. Well, a blogger will always be a blogger! So I try to collect my thoughts to be able to write this post.

I knew the term "Carpe Diem" with MY Christian Grey (emphasis on MY). I'm sure, most of you know him and I'm sure most of you who know him have experienced the so-called 'Greyism'. Ha! I know the feeling, been there, been that! Just to share this, I've read the Fifty Shades Trilogy six times or more. Ha-ha! Y'know, some guys have problems with girls who's addicted with Christian Grey. I was like, "Hey, what's wrong with it?" I don't see anything wrong with being in love with a fictional character. It's just how you imagined your dream guy, that's it! There's no need to be curious if a girl gets in love with Christian Grey, it's normal!

Let's end that Christian Grey thingy, he's very distracting.

I decided to lessen the drama with this post so I'll continue this post by discussing my outfit. Been back with my comfort zone! The hipster kind of thing. I really like to collect statement shirt like I'm wearing but it's kinda hard to find effinly cool ones. I'm so happy that have this half sleeve printed statement shirt. I've been eager to have a shirt with a print like this --to the extent that I want to print a customized one.  Haha!-- but thanks heavens, they gave me! Plus! This shirt is really comfortable. I really love the cloth of this shirt. It's perfect with the weather here in our country now. And it's white, it has some fresh vibes. I can actually wear it everyday!

So what are you waiting? Place your order now! Link of were to get this shirt will be below!

Watch: BoardWalk Timepiece 

P.S. Speaking about seizing the moment, let's seize 
the moment and earn some money while sitting in front
of our PCs. Let's be a part of SWA! Contact me via
Facebook. The link is in the left side of my blog!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Paradise Island |

Paradise Island. Oooooh! A place compared to a paradise (online dictionary says). We all have our own images of how Paradise Island would look like. For sure, some of you imagined it to have a lot of foods, sexy girls or hot guys, royal treatments and a whole lot more. But what if, the Paradise Island we imagined didn't really exist?

We people have usually daydream of perfect places or perfect situations. Most of the time, we're stuck on that dream. We're afraid to went out and face the reality because we feel better and secure with our own fantasies. We're afraid to know that reality doesn't look appealing than our dreams.

It's disappointing when you realize that what you dreamed (daydreamed situation) of will never ever happen. It's so silly right? Come to think of it, you daydreamed and then you realize it's impossible to happen. Why daydream, then? But I won't blame anyone out there who loves to daydream. I do that too! But when you got disappointed or hurt, no one's out there to be blamed, just you! 

Daydreaming, assumptions, presumptions and expectations. All of those are the same! We all daydream of what we want to happen on the story of our lives. I'm not against on those who loves to daydream. My point is that we shouldn't live with that. We should always focus on reality. If what we daydreamed of didn't happen we shouldn't be disappointed instead, we should always think that there's a better story in store for us. Right?

End of drama.

Well, this outfit is just my usual style. Comfy and ready-to-go outfit. This pull over comes with a twist! Hihi! I love that the front and back part of this pull over is mesh! It's actually perfect for those to live in tropical country, it can be worn in summer and rainy days. You can wear it every season, all year round! Hihi! Plus, it's design is really tropical! Pineapples! And also, 95 is my number! Birth year! So if I were you, I'll open a new tab on your browser and go shop to! There's a lot of dresses, tees, jackets, pants and pullovers (like mine) on!

Sorry for my face on this post. I just got out from shower
cause I just finished a quick work out.

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla