Sunday, June 23, 2013

Santa Cruzan 2013

Hey yeah, Guys! Sorry if I've been so MIA. Cause the internet sucks! And as promised, I'll post some kwento about my experience in Santa Cruzan as Reyna Elena.

I'm not a fan of Santa Cruzan. Since I was a kid, I didn't get used to watch the parade because I don't find it fun.

A week before the Santa Cruzan, some members of Lakeside Chapel Ministry talked to me because they've picked me to be the Reyna Elena for the reason, the first picked Reyna Elena backed out. My friend, Marwin, suggested to them I should be the one to be the Reyna Elena. If I could kill him with what he does, I will! 

I don't know what the hell came into my mind to say "YES!" Being Reyna Elena is really stressful! I have to look for a gown, we have to prepare something for those who helped us over and I have to walk around the Subdivision for the parade!

As a kid who's not a fan of Santa Cruzan, it's really weird for me to be a part of it and be at the postion of Reyna Elena (which is the most beautiful). I admit it, somebody really deserves to be the Reyna Elena because I know that I'm not beautiful enough be on that position.

But then, I realized that WE HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO BE TREATED BEAUTIFUL because we're GOD'S creation! I, thank you, Bow!

Watch out for my two new posts!

Love. Love. Love
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla 

1 comment:

  1. You were beautiful location! good team! beautiful pictures!


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