Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Illegally 18

I know, this blogspot is an oh so late blogspot but I'm posting this for the love I have for my friends and family that made my 18th Birthday a memorable one.

June 18, 2013, exact day of my birthday, my mom, her friends, and my family waited till the clock strike twelve. They've waited for hours just to sing me a Happy Birthday. 

Then I went back to sleep because I have classes the next day. What's bad with it? I have to be on school for almost 9 hours. Oh man, how can I celebrate my birthday?! Well, God his own plans. My class ended at 4pm so we can still celebrate it much longer. And oh, we don't have classes the next day! Perfect Combo? Perfect Combo, Babeeh! 

We went at home earlier as planned that's why we just entertained ourselves with the videoke because the food was not ready yet. Then my guy classmates came. Fun, fun, fun! Woohoo!

My girlfriends, left the house after a while. The boys stayed. My cousins, Tita, and Grandparents came. When the boys are about to live, Mom stopped then. Oh why?! What's going on?! They've prepare an 18 Roses Thingy for me! I cried! Why? Because I don't like that! Why? I just find it CORNY, it's not cool for me. But what can I do? It's me versus them! In the end, I still find it fun!

To my friends, thank you for coming! Thank you for celebrating my 18th Birthday with me though I've missed most of your 18th Birthdays! Hahahaha! Thanks, Burads!

To my ECE Boy friends, namely; Karl, Mike, Shane, Dave, Don, Benz, Dane, Rye, and Prof, thank you for being a part of my 18 Roses. I will never forget that!

To Family, thank you for making such effort in making me happy on my day!

To my parents, Mama and Papa, thank you for everything. Not just for this birthday celebration but for my whole life. For 18 years, you've been a parent of a not so good daughter. Not so good? Because I'm the maldita-est of all! Wahahaha! I know that there's a time that I disappoint you or fail to meet your expectations on me (specially on my studies). But I promise you, I'll give my very best to be the best daughter in the world. Thank you for loving me and making me a good person! I love you!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla version 2.0


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