Saturday, February 22, 2014


Hey yeah, guys! I've been thinking of what to write in this outfit post. It's hard not because I'm not in the mood to write but I can't find the perfect adjectives to describe my new stuffs from my new sponsor. Well, my new sponsor is one of the LEADING, PREEMINENT, PARAMOUNT and FOREMOST fashion online shops in the world. I can't decide on what adjectives will I use that's why I used everything that my dictionary says. Words can't describe how I love to shop in their site. One of the reason why I love to shop in their site is that they have SALE BUTTON where you'll see all the discount items they have to offer. Then, you'll really see that they're products are comfy and affordable! Lastly, they're products are being modeled in such stylish way, in that way, you already have a fashion inspo. All-in-one!

Well, I wore this outfit when my mom, my sister and I went on a movie date. It's really out of my welcome-summer thing because I'm wearing pullovers. But to my surprise, my pullovers's cloth is not that thick and not thin. It's really perfect some countries whose weather is really bipolar, like here in The Philippines! And my high socks, it really fits me, like it's made for me. Ha-ha! Plus, it's really affordable! If you'd like to steal this look, go ahead! Just tag me up on Instagram (@itsmemoniqueoly) and make sure that you're outfits are from!

Wait for my next post, it'll also be sponsored by!

This is also the reason why I really love! You'll really feel the affection they have for their customers!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla


  1. Sweetie something is wrong with your GFC follower button. I try to follow but it does not react :-( hope that makes sense.

    1. I tried again, nothing, the GFC follower button does not work, no reaction at all. There are still 1041 followers, so I guess no one is able to follow via GFC.
      Please honey let me know when you fixed the problem so I can follow back, OK?

    2. I just contacted my web designer. Maybe, there are some problems with the programming of my blog. Or some gadget are preventing my GFC Gadget from working. We'll work onto this.

    3. As I talked to my web designer, he came up to these solutions. You can click the FOLLOW BUTTON above my BlogLovin Gadget or go to this link


  2. Thanks a lot for sttoping by my blog :)
    Sure, we can follow each other, followed you already, darling...

  3. Kumustas? :)

    Love the pullover so much!

    Would you like to follow each other? If yes, let me know.
    Here's my blog:

    1. I followed you via the link you gave me because GFC button doesn't work. It says that I'm following you. I refreshed the page and I don't appear as a member of your blog. I don't how to appear.


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