Thursday, May 1, 2014


When the parcel came and I saw this of-so-cute burger sweatshirt, I said, "This won't fit the weather right now." It's summer here in the Philippines that's why I'm really worried about wearing this sweatshirt. Cause people might think that I'm out of my mind to wear a sweatshirt on this season. But y'konw, the mantra that I always keep in mind when it comes to dressing up is, "Wear what ever you want. As long as you think you're beautiful on it, you'll surely be beautiful on it." So I ended up wearing the Delicious Hamburger Graphic Sweatshirt from To my surprise, the sweatshirt is not a sweatshirt at all! What I mean is that, it doesn't even make me feel that I'm wearing a sweatshirt on a summer season because it's really comfortable and it is cool in the skin. If you think that this sweatshirt is not useful during the cold weather, because of what I said a while ago, you're mistaken. I wore this sweatshirt for the second time, when we went on a night swimming. I slept on a cottage, maybe round 12am and it's really cold. Y'know, cold summer nights. And I wore this sweatshirt and it kept me warm until the morning. What kind of sorcery does this sweatshirt have? It can adjust on the type of weather you're in. Haha! I'm serious on what I've said or maybe it's just a coincidence. Well, let's not dwell on it. The only fact that's to be believed is that I really love OASAP, the stuffs that they have to offer and. . . I love my sweatshirt!

I thought of wearing this sweatshirt on a run but I think it's not good to wear this. It's like, "I'll eat a double pound hamburger after this run ends." Hahahaha. Cheat days!

Before I end this post, I'm already sending you all my apologies about all that I have written on this post because you might think that my grammar, sentence construction and ability to write, does have a problem. I'll clarify it, I'm kinda sick right now and it's already 2am. So please bare with me. Thanks!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Codilla Oloresisimo

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