Friday, October 3, 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Got this nomination from a my new found sister in blogging, Molly. It's been quite some time when I got a nomination like this. That's why, I'm sending my big thanks and love to you, Molly! Thanks foe this. You also deserve to have this award!

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
2. Put the Award logo on your blog
3. Answer their ten questions  
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees
5. Nominate 10 bloggers

Molly's Questions:

1.What made you start Blogging?
I won't be a coy, I got envy with the fame of some of the bloggers I know. But as I continue to blog, I got to enjoy expressing myself by using my talent in writing. 
2. Have you met a reader of your blog in a random place and noticed you?
I think, I haven't experience this. Well, most of my readers are from other countries.  
3. Are you an Android or an Apple user?
Android! But I'm thinking of being an Apple User because of iPhone6. Hihi.
4. Do you care what people will feel about what you post?
No. This is my blog, I post everything I want. But then, I set my limits when it comes to my posts. I don't wanna be sued because of Cyber Crime Law. Hihi.
5. Do you edit the html for your blog?
Yes, I do. I'm an engineering student and we studied some codes that I can use in developing my blog. I also became a student teacher back in High School and I taught HTML editing with my students.
6. Who do you Idolize when it comes to blogging?
Dani Barretto. She's one of the best! 
7. Do you like painting your nails or your toenails?
I do nail bite before that's why I put paintings on my name so I'll avoid biting my nails. But I decided to stop putting nail paintings on my nails because I feel cleaner without it. 
8. What's your favorite Blog post in your Blog? Why?
I don't have, actually. Because I put equal efforts in doing my posts.
9.Have you ever been featured on a Newspaper , TV or a Magazine?
Newspaper, TV and Magazines are big things! But I have been featured in a video presentation of a newly developed website,
10. When will you stop Blogging?
I don't know. I can't see myself stop blogging. But maybe I might have a 6-month-break because I have to focus on review on my board exams. But it'll be in two years time.

My Questions for my Nominees:
1. Who's your favorite fairy tale character? Why?
2. Street-like-guy or Office-like-guy? Why?
3. What's your favorite novel? Why?
4. Who's your favorite writer?
5. What's your favorite type of shoes?
6. Have you been in the Philippines? If so, where did you go?
7. What's the ultimate talent you want to have (normal talents, not supernatural)?
8. Do you like football? If so, who is your favorite player?
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. What's your ultimate talent that you think other people don't have?

My Nominees:
Lia Crystal of Fashion Happenss
Sarah Rizaga of Blossoming ❋ Wallflower
Alexandra Aimee of Cashmere Kangaroo
Qing Pineda of  Qing's Style
Jackie Harrison of Beautify

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla


  1. Congratulation doll so well deserve love your answer for 4 is good to write and not be concern about that awesome you were on a video better than a magazine or newspaper. Enjoy your weekend thank you for nominating me will let you know when I post it up.

  2. Congrats on the award!


  3. congrats!!

  4. Really enjoyed reading your answers~!:)
    You totally deserve this award;)
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

  5. Congrats really cool answers :D

  6. Congratulations :)
    You deserve cause you have a great blog,
    I`m an android user too, especially cause technology is more developed ;)

  7. Awh <3 Your Welcome Ate Monique <3 Love you ! and also Love your answers thank you for answering this :** you deserve this award :)

  8. congrats:)! great post:) please visit me in free time:)

  9. Such a Lovely award <3 Melting!!! Congrats!!!

    xo xo

  10. Oh cool you were nominated! Always like the answers to the questions haha :)
    xx Anka

  11. Congratz, nice post :D
    Greets, Nabil ;)

    Will be great if we could follow each other :D

  12. Congrats! & Lovely to get to know you via this post. (:

    ♥ | | xoxo

  13. Thank you for being so real and honest with us.

  14. aww thank you for nominating me Monique! I enjoyed reading this <3

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