Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014 Wishlist | The Essentials

Since I'll be a year older next month, I've been asked to leave my 'hippy' style and try to be more feminine. I'll still stick on my 'hippy' style but I'll try my best to create more feminine outfit post. As that said, I read some books and magazine and surfed the net so that I can look for some inspo. Most of the books, magazines and sites that I've read have something in common, they always say that we should have essential clothing in  our own closet like; Shorts, Slacks, Little Black Dress, Blazers, Jeans, Leggings, Plain White Shirt, Pencil Skirt, Tank Top and White Button-Down Shirt. These Ten Essential Clothing should be a part of every girl who loves to dress-up and to be stylish. That's why I looked for some items on to shop for some of The Essentials and to my surprise, they have everything! Yes, Girls,  you can find Shorts, Slacks, Little Black Dress, Blazers, Jeans, Leggings, Plain White Shirt, Pencil Skirt, Tank Top and White Button-Down Shirt in just on store and it's!

Glamorous Hot Selling Beautiful Jeans Shorts

Perfect Low-waist Slim Large Size Straight-Legged Pants

Black Dress
Abi Neck Detail Sleeveless Midi Dress in Black

Basic Candy Color 3/4 Sleeve Fashionable Black Blazer

Boutique Korean Style Leisure Empire Waist Skinny Pants

Best Slim Korean Leggings

White Shirt
Sexy Backless Pure Color All-matched Short Sleeves T-shirt

Pencil Skirt
NEW Polished Slim Pure Color with Belt Sheath Skirt

Tank Top
Unique Backless Round Neckline Elastic Backless Tank Top

White Blouse or Polo
Casual Solid Color Long Sleeve Blouse with Pocket

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Monday, May 19, 2014


Hey yeah, Guys! I actually just woke up and I know that updating my blog will be the best way to start my day.

This post is titled 'Skulled', 'skulled' is a verb which means, hit on the head. These past few days, I've been hit on the head by my realizations about a lot things. Yesterday, on the mass, the priest said that there'll come a time when you aim and aim for everything that you want in life. But sometimes, you fail to get what you want and you have this mentality like, "I should get want I want." Once that happened, you're gonna be disappointed, you're gonna get tired of doing everything just to get what you want and you just wanted stop. This world is so materialistic and you tend to look to want others have than to cherish what you have.

For me, there's no wrong in choosing to stop doing what you're doing to get everything that you want.  Because I'm a great believer of "Everything happens for a reason," that's why I know if I stop doing something to get what I want, I know there's a lot in store for me. And I know that it's way better than the things that I want. Also, I don't think that the priest's homily is just for material things in life. Sometimes, you do everything just make things work and just to make everything you want to be meant to be. But if you'll look into things, you'll realize that you have to stop because you can't force to make things work and to make it meant to be if it's not. Yes, it'll be hard to stop yourself because you love yourself and you want the best for yourself. But we should always keep in mind that we can't always get what we want. Well, let's end this realizations.

I've been second thinking on wearing this outfit because I'm worried that it might not fit me and my style. But to my surprise, this outfit really went well, more than I expect it to be. As you'll notice, I'm wearing  doll shoes from I'm not used to wearing doll shoes because it's so girly, I think it's not comfortable and it's so not me. Hihi. But to my surprise, again, this Awesome PU Applique Flat Heels Prom Shoes ( is not so girly. It's design is a combination of skull and roses and it  ROCKS! It's so comfortable, it' sole is so soft and I can go for a long walk or stand for a long time wearing it! And now, wearing doll shoes is already a part of ME! Again, I'm a changed woman.'s doll shoes changed my belief in doll shoes! I've been hit on the head, I'M SKULLED!

Top: H&M

Wait for my another post sponsored by!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Yeah, Hi Guys! Hello. Well, Hi! Okay fine! I don't know who to start this post on a good way but I'll be trying my best to make this post as the best-est post ever, just for!

Just gonna explain the reason behind the title of this post. Well, if you look for the meaning of 'warped' or 'warp' on your dictionary, you're gonna see that it can be a noun and a verb. As a noun, warp means, "the shape into which something is twisted by warping." As a verb, warp means, "to cause to think or act in an abnormal way." Nothing's twisted on my outfit here but I chose to title this post as 'Warped' because warp is has something to do with gaming. And it's related with my oh-so-cool sunnies! And also, as I think of something to title this post, I kinda relate with the verb meaning of the word. Why? Well, I won't elaborate. I know that you don't have time for my dramas, neither do I.

As usually, I still go with my casual look. But if you're gonna notice, I tried to wear my Merrel Runners for this outfit. I really don't use this runners because it's just for school, for my PE classes. But since, I'm done with my PE classes for my college life, I decided to use this how I really should use it. Usually, I'm just wearing sneakers for my outfit post but now, I'm wearing runners! Be proud of me! I'm a changed woman! Hihi! But the highlight of this post is my sunnies from! I'm actually amaze that it doesn't look dark when you're wearing but the raise of sun is not getting into your eyes. That's how I like my sunnies to be. It's like it's designed for me! Also, it's design is not the usual sunnies you're gonna get in the market. It's like, "Hey, I'm the only one who has this!"

Quick tip for my those who's experiencing the summer heat, you can be stylish in a comfortable way! If you're clothing is kinda dull, accessorize! If you're clothing is kinda loud, keep it loud and try not to accessorize too much. We must prioritize our comfort nowadays because if we don't, we're gonna be the one who's gonna suffer. Don't wear an outfit that you don't feel comfortable wearing (when it comes to look and specially, COMFORT) it! Keep this is mind! Just enjoy the summer!

I really must thanks OASAP for sending my this cool sunnies. It really fits the season in our country right now!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, May 1, 2014


When the parcel came and I saw this of-so-cute burger sweatshirt, I said, "This won't fit the weather right now." It's summer here in the Philippines that's why I'm really worried about wearing this sweatshirt. Cause people might think that I'm out of my mind to wear a sweatshirt on this season. But y'konw, the mantra that I always keep in mind when it comes to dressing up is, "Wear what ever you want. As long as you think you're beautiful on it, you'll surely be beautiful on it." So I ended up wearing the Delicious Hamburger Graphic Sweatshirt from To my surprise, the sweatshirt is not a sweatshirt at all! What I mean is that, it doesn't even make me feel that I'm wearing a sweatshirt on a summer season because it's really comfortable and it is cool in the skin. If you think that this sweatshirt is not useful during the cold weather, because of what I said a while ago, you're mistaken. I wore this sweatshirt for the second time, when we went on a night swimming. I slept on a cottage, maybe round 12am and it's really cold. Y'know, cold summer nights. And I wore this sweatshirt and it kept me warm until the morning. What kind of sorcery does this sweatshirt have? It can adjust on the type of weather you're in. Haha! I'm serious on what I've said or maybe it's just a coincidence. Well, let's not dwell on it. The only fact that's to be believed is that I really love OASAP, the stuffs that they have to offer and. . . I love my sweatshirt!

I thought of wearing this sweatshirt on a run but I think it's not good to wear this. It's like, "I'll eat a double pound hamburger after this run ends." Hahahaha. Cheat days!

Before I end this post, I'm already sending you all my apologies about all that I have written on this post because you might think that my grammar, sentence construction and ability to write, does have a problem. I'll clarify it, I'm kinda sick right now and it's already 2am. So please bare with me. Thanks!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Codilla Oloresisimo

Friday, April 18, 2014

Just Go With It


Hey yeah, Guys! This post is another sponsored post by

This post is entitled Just Go With It because I'm watching Adam Sandler's movie Just Go With It while doing this post. Another thing is that, I noticed that I gained weight, my skin color got dark and my hair is really messed up. With all this horrible changes in me, I actually just go this it. Gaining weight is normal specially because it's summer and all you do is eat, sleep, wake up and eat and sleep and do the same routine almost everyday. Getting your skin dark is normal cause it's summer and Philippines is experiencing such hot weather. Messed hair is also an effect of the hot weather and I really find it normal. I can have it treated before the school year start. All I'm just saying is that, some people have undergone changes and they just tend to go with it. Some changes may be bad, some changes may be good; but what we should accept that life is unfair, there's no fair play in this world and changes is bound to happen even if it's bad or good. 

And also, there's a part in the movie that Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston is saying things that they love about each other. I really like that scene. But sometimes, you don't need to find your Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston to realize that there is so much to love about yourself. Sometimes, you should look within yourself to really find the unique you, the true you. Because when you already found the true you, it'll be easier for you to love yourself. No need for Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston.
 has a lot of stuff to offer. All you need to do is to browse over their site and find the item you know that you'll love. And if it so happened that the item is out-of-stock, you just have to go with it and find another one. It'll be easy. Why? Because most of their items are lovable!

They offer stylish watches, accessories and clothing! And they would not let your phones be dull, they also have cute accessories for your phones and tablets! Since your already stylish and also your phone, would you let your home left behind? They have cool household stuffs that you can't find on a regular home supplies stores!

What I also love about really loves they customers. When I got the package, it really looks like a normal package a person could get but when I opened it, the items are on a cute gift box. It really feels like Christmas when I got the watch and the rings! Wanna experience the love? Go and shop at!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Monday, April 14, 2014

Purple Sole X The Slim Kid Inside Giveaway Winners

I know that this announcement of winners is kinda late. Sorry. It's just that I have a whole day class everyday plus I have a long travel going to the training center from home that's why I'm really out of myself almost everyday. But it's just the announcement of winners that comes late. I already contacted the sponsor of the giveaway to let them now that I already picked the winners and also, I already contacted the winners.

I know I've been so MIA most of the times and forget to leave some comments on the posts of most of my readers. All I'm saying is, I'm really thankful to have such lovely readers who are ready to participate to my giveaways and also, leave a comment on most of my posts. I can't promise that I'll be active this summer, because, y'know, vacation is just out somewhere in the corner. But after holy week, I'll be posting all the delayed posts I have on my drafts.

Thanks for does who joined the giveaway!

Winners, please check your emails!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla