Monday, May 13, 2013

The Liebster Award

Hey yeah, Guys!
So one of my Co-Bloggers, Jen of Jen Tea - A beauty, photography, and lifestyle blog ♥ nominated on the Liebster Blog Award! Cool, isn't it?
I'm actually surprised we Jen left a comment on my post to inform me she actually nominated me. Well, big thanks to her! And I think, she really loves me. Why? Because I'm the 1st on the list of her nominees meaning, I'm the 1st person who came to her mind when she's listing down. Oh-ha!

Let's move on with the award. 

Here's the rules:

1. Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
2. Choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award onto and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
6. No tag-backs!

Yeah! Jen, I copied those from your blog!

11 Facts about me

(1) I'm an Electronics Engineering Student.
(2) On my 3 years on College, I failed  two [2] subjects. It's Solid Mensuration and Integral Calculus.  I bet, some of you don't know what I'm saying. Well, don't mind it! Heeheehee!
(3) I'm not updated with the current songs of today. Why? Because like old songs more!
(4) I'm so in love with Pringles! Sour Cream, oh my!
(5) Eating street foods are my Cheap Thrills.
(6) I will always love sneakers. I can wear them everyday!
(7) I don't like raisins unless it's in my Oat Cookies!
(8) I love to sing on the Karaoke! I can do it alone! Alooooooooone!
(9) I love to see my nail, long. Why? Because I'm a certified NAIL-BITER before that's why I feel like it's my achievement every time that I've controlled myself from biting my nails.
(10) I'm so addicted on Twitter! Follow me! @itsmemoniqueoly
(11) I'm so in love with my Family!

Questions Asked by Jen

(1) What's your favorite eyeshadow color?
          Well, I don't put eyeshadow. But it would be brown or my skin-tone because I like it to look natural!
(2) Do you have a favorite book? What is it?
          I don't read that much! But I have this no-so-popular book with me. It's "Manage Yourself For Excellence: How To Be A Can-Do Person" by Dr. Beverly Potter
(3) If you could have lunch with any youtuber, who would it be?
          Ryan Nigahiga! Well, He's funny!
(4) What's your favorite makeup or fashion brand?
         I'm not good in make-up! But I know Mac and Fashion 21. In Fashion Brand, it's like "I don't know" because I don't look in brand because it's the affordability and comfort, that I consider first.
(5) Do you prefer autumn or spring?
         Well, Philippines is a Tropical Country that's why we don't have that "Autumn or Spring" thingy. But it would be Spring.
(6) Do you have siblings?
          Yeah. I have 3! I'm the 3rd! Sometimes they're annoying but sometimes we get along each other.
(7) Do you have any hidden talents (cooking, singing, playing instruments, etc)?
          Singing! I'm a professional Bathroom Singer! And oh, I always sing in Karaoke!
(8) Which musician/actor do you currently have a crush on?
          Adam Levine. I've said that I'm not updated with songs of today but I'm his followed on Twitter that's why I know him! And I'm so in love with him right now!
(9) If you could visit one place in the world, where would it be? Why?
          Vatican City. I think there's a lot of miracles that's happening there!
(10) What are your top two biggest pet peeves?
          Dogs and Rabbits!
(11) Name a happy childhood memory :)
          I got lost on a Mall. Then I cried and cried. What's funny is that I want to go up using escalator whose direction is going down. Then I looked for my family. I almost go out of the mall. When I've decided to go out of the mall, I saw them. Happy me!

Questions for the Bloggers I Nominated
(1) What's your favorite food?
(2) Do you love to watch movies?
(3) What annoys you?
(4) What sports your in to?
(5) Have you tried to wear clothes from Ukay-Ukay or Handed Down Clothes?
(6) Do you drink? As in alcohol. What's your favorite?
(7) Are you a HIPSTER?
(8) What's your most hate subject?
(9) Embarrassing Moment? Name one!
(10) Place in the world you want to go. Why?
(11) Reason why you start blogging?

Blogs I Nominate
(1) Maddie of Call Me Maddie >>
(2) Natasha of Bisous Natasha >>
(3) Patricia of Cashmere Mafia >>
(4) Lidka of Crystal Oddity >>
(5) Lissey of Fashion Blogging By Lissey >>
(6) Rakel of Lovely Style >>
(7) Jenny of Good, Bad, and Fab | LA style & best fashion trends blog >>
(8) Kate of Fashion Department >>
(9) Milex of Milex and his world... I mean style. >>
(10) Mikyle of Style Division >>
(11) Dani of Style is Eternal >>

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla


  1. Ohhhh thank you my dear for included me! and congrats! ;)

    Have a nice day!

  2. Oh I know what you're saying. I used to be a BSECE student until I gave up and changed course. Haha! I think I flunked integral calculus too.

    Btw, I have a Firmoo glasses give-away on my blog. You might want to join! :)

    1. Oh! Why did you gave up?! Sayang naman! Well, maybe it's not you calling!

      Please follow my blog!


  3. Aw that's so sweet! Thank you for nominating! :)

  4. Followed you via GFC sis, hope you follow back as well. :)

  5. i enjoyed reading this post.
    kudos to you dear.


    am following your lovely blog
    through GFC and Bloglovin.


    keyti of brushesandpens

  6. aaw congrats for the nomination! anyway, i love both ryan higa & adam levine too!


  7. Thanks for your comment!!! I will follow you!!!

  8. your blog is great, I love the atmosphere
    would you like to follow each other?
    Please let me know,

  9. lol its cool I copied the rules from Louise who nominated me! And OMG I got lost at the mall when I was younger too!!! I was with my cousin who is 3 years younger than me and we were finally found after hours of sitting in some room at a department store! And that's cool that you're from the Philippines, I want to visit there some time :)

    Jen xx

    1. Thanks for the nomination, Babe!
      Hahaha! Thanks for that childhood memory! I learned that I have to memorize every directions so I will not get lost again! Hahaha! Since then, I have the confident that I can walk the entire mall with eyes closed. Memorization works!
      Philippines is such a good place to visit. Let me know if your going here so I give your such warm welcome!


  10. Love this! Always wondered what the Liebster award was :)

    Please feel free to enter my Daniel Wellington giveaway (here) - you could win yourself a watch worth £200!x

    Blog | Cocochic
    Bloglovin |

    1. Thanks!

      Just joined your giveaway! Hope I could win!


  11. Lovely blog dear! :))
    Did you want to follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin?
    I just followed you on both platforms and it would be wonderful if you would stop by my blog and maybe back? ❤

    Hoping to stay in touch ❤
    xoxo Jenny Tsang

  12. Hi dear :) Great post!!
    Need to say that your blog is a good inspiration :)
    Come to see my new post, ill delighted to know your opinion :)

  13. Loved your blog name & congrats . If you want we can follow each other via GFC & Bloglovin , let me know.


  14. Congrats, keep on creating! Great pictures as well! Gladly followed you with GFC and on Bloglovin', hope you can do same;)
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  15. Hi! I followed u na! interesting blog u got here... hope u follow me rin :)

  16. wow, it's great you will be an engineer :)

  17. nice blog :))

  18. you have an interesting blog!

    Do you mind if we follow each other? Here is my link:

    Can you join also with my giveaway:

  19. Congrats! It is always interesting to find out more about you.

  20. Hello, you have a lovely blog!! What do you think about following each other on GFC, Bloglovin and/or Facebook? Please let me know if you're interested. Hope to hear from you soon.


  21. Nice post! Have a wonderful weekend:)


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