Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sponsors. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Chasing Pavement |

Hi, Guys! It's been sometime, huh. I was busy with school as always but this time, I'm oh-so-really-busy because of my thesis. Tonight is just my free time to post so I what it to be a boom! 

I started drafting this post without thinking of what will be its title so I listened of the song I have on my playlist and try to listen of anything significant or fitted for this post.

Five days ago, I finally received this package from! Ugh, I hate the system of the customs in our country. Moving on. So I know what's inside the parcel so while I was walking my way somewhere, I decided to open the parcel because I was so excited to see my favorite item that sent me. I rode a jeep (public transportation in the Philippines) and I'm still trying to open the parcel because it was too secured. Finally, when I opened it, this 

Simple Design Rhinestone Studded Ring Posh Midi Ring is the first thing that I saw. And the ring is all that mattered to me that moment. Haha! JK!  It was so elegant, I don't have words for it. I looks like it cost a fortune and sells it in a very reasonable price. That's why I wore it right away, in front of the people around me inside the jeep. I have this stupid grin on my face while I was looking at the ring and some of the passengers in the jeep kept their eyes on me and my ring, maybe they're thinking, "Oh, someone proposed to her in a super weird way." Haha! I don't care what they are thinking. I love my ring. Period!

Just to clarify, I like wearing my ring on my ring finger on my left hand. It doesn't mean that I'm engaged or in a relationship. I'm very busy, so busy. I'm busy. Period! No time for those.

While I was finishing this post, I still haven't came up with a proper time for this post. So I kept on listening... After 13479138 minutes, I decided to title this post Chasing Pavements. I'm not going to explain why because this post will be a dramatic on if I do.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Online Window Shopping |

Hi, Guys! My last post was last February, it's been it's been 9 months since then. Maybe some of you thought that my blog is already deleted. But this post is to assure you that my blog is alive and kicking. Haha! I have been busy with school after that, I have my OJT (On-The-Job Training) and then school again. I really don't have time to post or entertain comments in the past few months. Then, I received a lot of sponsorship emails. I tried to draft posts for them but then school has been pulling me away from blogging. Hay! Priorities! I actually forgotten that I have a blog to run because of my priorities. Not that I don't consider my blog as my priority but these priorities are bigger than life.

This morning, I received an email from and I see this email as a  sign that I should go back to blogging. I feel hesitant in doing this post because I'm afraid to know if I lost my writing skills. Then I realized, in blogging, there is no need for excellent writing skills because the key to have a great post is to write what you have in your mind and your heart. 

So when I received's email, I did an Online Window Shopping to their shop. Is there a thing like online window shopping? Well I looked around their online shop but I didn't buy anything so it is online and it is window shopping, so it is Online Window Shopping! Haha! As I looked around their shop, these dresses caught my attention. On my last thesis defense, I wore a dress from It is so classy and formal that's why I looked for more dresses because I'll be having a thesis defense on February or March. Dresses from brings out the classy, formal and confident girl inside me. So I sure as heck that I'm a gonna buy one for my upcoming thesis defense. 

Here are the dresses I'm choosing from and I'm suggesting you get whenever you need a classy and formal dress: 

Chic Stand Collar Bow Waist A-line Dress for $21.99 only

Navy Spaghetti Straps Floral Print Midi Dress for only $12.99

Essential Crossover Skater Dress for only $17.99

Navy Blue Slim Fit Mini Dress for only $15.99

Exquisite Solid Neckline Navy Pencil Dress for only $17.99

Monique Codilla Oloresisimo

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Hi, Guys! Woohoo! I'm oh-so-back! So sorry that it took me some time to post. It just that when I got home from Brunei, school projects, laboratory reports and personal stuffs welcomed me. Plus, there have been a problem with the items I ordered online, maybe problem with the local custom? I don't know. Let's end this intro to that note.

Sepia. I got this title with my niece when she tried to wear this sunnies from and said, "Sepia?" If we ask Google, Sepia is a reddish-brown color, named after the rich brown pigment derived from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish Sepia. Maybe, most of you think that I'm gonna relate it to a life situation slash drama slash HUGOT stuff that I usually do. But no, I don't have any dramas to share now. I promise to myself that I won't be too dramatic on my post this year. But then, I always broke my promises so I can be dramatic sometimes. Hihi.

I've been drafting two posts and decided to post this one instead of the other one because my next post is so close to my heart. It's related to the one that I really love. I'm having second thoughts of posting about it because people might judge. Does having said that makes all of you itchy to know that I'm going to post next? Hihi! Wait next week or next week after the next.

I decided to wear my new skirt from with my floral shirt. Lonely, that's just the print on my shirt, that's not what I'm feeling right now, just to be clear. Hihi. I tried something playful and girly this time. And I love this new sunnies, again, from It's so retro and so stylish. It actually hit the floor several times and to my surprise, it's still okay. Well, it's from! Style and Quality, it's OASAP!


Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla

Thursday, December 25, 2014

OASAP Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Guys!

To celebrate Christmas with all of you, I'm sharing with all of you a brief story how we celebrate Christmas in our family. 

With the past two years, we've been celebrating Christmas in Brunei. Not that we have a Bruneian blood with us, it's just that my brother and father is working in Brunei that's why me, my mom and my sister are flying to Brunei to celebrate Christmas. But before that, we usually celebrate Christmas in the Philippines. If I'm going to compare Christmas in Brunei to Christmas in the Philippines, I would say that Christmas in the Philippines will surely win! Saying that Philippines have the longest Christmas season. Christmas in the Philippines usually starts when -Ber Months come. One of our Christmas preparations is we buy new clothes for that special day. Y'know, look fashionable in hunting your Ninongs and Ninangs (Godfather and Godmother)! Emphasis on HUNTING! Hihi! But since I got to blogging and sponsors are sending me fashionable clothes or adding credit balance on my accounts, I stopped that ritual of me. I stop buying new clothes to be practical. And OASAP, as my sponsor, have done a great job of sending fashion into my doorstep! OASAP has be there for me since day one. So this Christmas Season, I'm saying thanks to OASAP!

Here are some photos of my best OASAP fashion products!







Merry Christmas!
Monique Codilla Oloresisimo

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Okay. So tonight, today (it's 12 am when I'm doing post), I'm a bit emotionally hammered. I don't want to post anything when I'm not in the right frame of emotions. But then, I can't stop my mind from thinking and I can't stop my fingers from moving. So here's what I've got to share with you. Before that, I want to explain the I drafted a post in my tablet focusing on the word "Standards" without knowing that my post should be titled as "Standard." Well, that's one of the disadvantage of writing on the wrong mood. I already upload these photos that's why  I can't edit it anymore, oh well, I can edit it but I'm too lazy to edit it. So here it is...

Standards. What does standards really means? For me, it a set of qualifications to fit someone's desire or taste. We all have our own standards. Some want it to be simple but some want it to be so fabulous. We're all different from one another, we have different point of views, and that affects our decisions in setting our standards. But it's funny that though we set our standards in our minds, sometimes, we end up forgetting about it and letting things go. Y'know, there are some circumstances that our standards shouldn't be followed like it should be, because we execute high levels of understanding and patience in some situations. I always find it wierd because most of us broke our own standards just to fit on the standards of others or standards of the world. Things won't always be fair, you just have to learn not to mind it and live your life. Eventually, you'll just feel it like it's normal, like things are fair. It's so hard to live in this world and keep up with people around you because like you, they have their standards to follow.

End the drama there. Well about what I wore in this Outfit Post, I wore this Printed Shirt from OASAP. I really love every detail of this shirt because I think the style fit anybody's standards. I wore a high waist pants to match because as you all know, I have a problem with my upper body. Since my upper body is kinda long, normal length shirts looks like cropped shirt for me. It looks hanging. So I have to think of something that will make the shirt normal fitting for me though it's kinda short. I paired it to my heels because I'm practicing to wear something formal. Because at school, Monday is Formal Attire Day. Well, for me, this outfit looks formal. Thanks to the heels. Heels are really GOD Given Gift to women! Hihi! 

Wanna steal this style? Check the outfit details below!

Tried to match the outfit with flats. 
Which fits perfectly, Heels or Flats?

Outfit Details
Pants: Mom's Wardrobe
Flats: Spain
Watch: BoardWalk Timepiece

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Codilla Oloresisimo