Friday, April 18, 2014

Just Go With It


Hey yeah, Guys! This post is another sponsored post by

This post is entitled Just Go With It because I'm watching Adam Sandler's movie Just Go With It while doing this post. Another thing is that, I noticed that I gained weight, my skin color got dark and my hair is really messed up. With all this horrible changes in me, I actually just go this it. Gaining weight is normal specially because it's summer and all you do is eat, sleep, wake up and eat and sleep and do the same routine almost everyday. Getting your skin dark is normal cause it's summer and Philippines is experiencing such hot weather. Messed hair is also an effect of the hot weather and I really find it normal. I can have it treated before the school year start. All I'm just saying is that, some people have undergone changes and they just tend to go with it. Some changes may be bad, some changes may be good; but what we should accept that life is unfair, there's no fair play in this world and changes is bound to happen even if it's bad or good. 

And also, there's a part in the movie that Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston is saying things that they love about each other. I really like that scene. But sometimes, you don't need to find your Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston to realize that there is so much to love about yourself. Sometimes, you should look within yourself to really find the unique you, the true you. Because when you already found the true you, it'll be easier for you to love yourself. No need for Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston.
 has a lot of stuff to offer. All you need to do is to browse over their site and find the item you know that you'll love. And if it so happened that the item is out-of-stock, you just have to go with it and find another one. It'll be easy. Why? Because most of their items are lovable!

They offer stylish watches, accessories and clothing! And they would not let your phones be dull, they also have cute accessories for your phones and tablets! Since your already stylish and also your phone, would you let your home left behind? They have cool household stuffs that you can't find on a regular home supplies stores!

What I also love about really loves they customers. When I got the package, it really looks like a normal package a person could get but when I opened it, the items are on a cute gift box. It really feels like Christmas when I got the watch and the rings! Wanna experience the love? Go and shop at!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla


  1. The watch and the ring are really so cute!
    Nice post!
    Happy Easter!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Some super cute things on this post!!

    Would love it if you could take a look at my blog and even follow!

    Chloe xx


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