Thursday, May 8, 2014


Yeah, Hi Guys! Hello. Well, Hi! Okay fine! I don't know who to start this post on a good way but I'll be trying my best to make this post as the best-est post ever, just for!

Just gonna explain the reason behind the title of this post. Well, if you look for the meaning of 'warped' or 'warp' on your dictionary, you're gonna see that it can be a noun and a verb. As a noun, warp means, "the shape into which something is twisted by warping." As a verb, warp means, "to cause to think or act in an abnormal way." Nothing's twisted on my outfit here but I chose to title this post as 'Warped' because warp is has something to do with gaming. And it's related with my oh-so-cool sunnies! And also, as I think of something to title this post, I kinda relate with the verb meaning of the word. Why? Well, I won't elaborate. I know that you don't have time for my dramas, neither do I.

As usually, I still go with my casual look. But if you're gonna notice, I tried to wear my Merrel Runners for this outfit. I really don't use this runners because it's just for school, for my PE classes. But since, I'm done with my PE classes for my college life, I decided to use this how I really should use it. Usually, I'm just wearing sneakers for my outfit post but now, I'm wearing runners! Be proud of me! I'm a changed woman! Hihi! But the highlight of this post is my sunnies from! I'm actually amaze that it doesn't look dark when you're wearing but the raise of sun is not getting into your eyes. That's how I like my sunnies to be. It's like it's designed for me! Also, it's design is not the usual sunnies you're gonna get in the market. It's like, "Hey, I'm the only one who has this!"

Quick tip for my those who's experiencing the summer heat, you can be stylish in a comfortable way! If you're clothing is kinda dull, accessorize! If you're clothing is kinda loud, keep it loud and try not to accessorize too much. We must prioritize our comfort nowadays because if we don't, we're gonna be the one who's gonna suffer. Don't wear an outfit that you don't feel comfortable wearing (when it comes to look and specially, COMFORT) it! Keep this is mind! Just enjoy the summer!

I really must thanks OASAP for sending my this cool sunnies. It really fits the season in our country right now!

Love. Love. Love.
Monique Oloresisimo y Codilla


  1. i love your sunglasses and hair <333

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. sunglasses are deifnitely one of our new obsessions! We just can't help ourselves with all the cute colours and designs coming out!

  4. Confortale and sportive look!
    Nice pics!


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